Kdrive in next release.

Daniel Stone daniel.stone at canonical.com
Thu Sep 23 22:35:48 CDT 2004

On Thu, Sep 23, 2004 at 01:55:33PM -0400, John McGee wrote:
> Since you will be using xorg in the next release, is there anyway we
> can get there version of KDrive (xserver) in there as an alternitive
> option for low end machines?
> I Also belive that fluxbox or openbox should be an option as well, but
> not needed.

KDrive simply doesn't have the driver support to be viable here; while
it's low-footprint, no matter how low your footprint is, VESA will still
be ludicrously slow.  Essentially, the only properly-supported chipset
is anything ATI up to R200 (the upper bound of which is the Radeon
9100), which absolutely flies, even with Composite.

Its configuration is also, um, interesting.  It's an interesting idea,
but it has a purpose and it has served that purpose well: KDrive is
primarily a proof-of-concept platform.  I mean, it does well on embedded
stuff, but that generally implies not only slimming it down first, but
writing your own driver set.

As for Fluxbox and Openbox, they are available from the 'universe'
suite; GNOME is the default Ubuntu desktop.

:) d

Daniel Stone                                        <daniel.stone at canonical.com>
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