pam_tmpdir, etc

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at
Fri Oct 29 03:15:11 CDT 2004

* Martin Pool 

| > I think it would be a great thing to try out in Hoary, to do something
| > proactive about insecure temporary files.  pam_tmpdir is only one of the
| > available pre-existing solutions, and there are also various ways that we
| > could tackle this on our own.
| There are a lot of other possibilities, some of which are discussed on
| the d-d thread.  In the long term I think I would like to eliminate
| the world-writable /tmp altogether, though that would probably break
| too many scripts.

I don't think you can do that and still stay POSIX, unfortunately.

| > One of the shortcomings of pam_tmpdir is that it won't have any effect on
| > programs which don't honor TMPDIR.  Yes, those programs are arguably buggy,
| > but programs with temporary file vulnerabilities were already buggy. :-)
| Yes, that's true.  It may be a smaller number of programs though, and
| to some extent this is a numbers game.

grepping for /tmp in .h and .c files is a start, of course, you have
to go through this by hand (since a lot will fall back to using /tmp
if getenv(«TMPDIR») doesn't return anything useful (but then, then
should be using mkstemp or tmpfile)).  Shell, python, perl scripts
will also have to be looked at, of course.

| (Ask yourself: what would djb do? :-)

I don't think doing what djb would do would make much sense.

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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