
Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Sat Oct 23 08:11:46 CDT 2004

On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 02:45:41PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:

> > I talked with alot of doc people yesterday and we came to the conclusion
> > that a wikiteam was a bad idea because it splits up the doc team.  One
> > thing that did not happen was the wikiteam page is still up, and people
> > are adding themselves to the wikiteam.
> I added a comment to the end of that page noting that there are
> different focuses involved here; for some people (like me), occasional
> Wiki janitor/proofreading work is fine, but diving into the deep end of
> a full documentation team is a bit much.

Diversity is good, separation is bad.

I'd like to have a single documentation team where there is space for
people to take the roles that suit them best.  This way we'll acheive
some minimum level of coordination while people can do what they like to
do, and not be forced to do what they don't want.

With a minimum of bookkeeping (I could help with it) we can keep track
of who volunteered to do what and who's working on what, which is the
minimum that is required not to stomp on each other's feet and for good
work not to go unnoticed.



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at debian.org>
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