[Fwd: Fedora Core 2 Update: openoffice.org-1.1.2-10.fc2]

George Farris farrisg at mala.bc.ca
Fri Oct 22 15:45:13 CDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-22-10 at 12:01 -0700, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 11:29:31AM -0700, George Farris wrote:
> > Damn you guys are fast:-)  Thanks Matt, actually I was referring to the
> > updates that Redhat had done such as:
> >   o GTK and KDE native widgets and file chooser dialogs
> > and a few of the bug fixes.
> OK, that wasn't clear from the enormous list of changes beginning with
> "updated to 1.1.2" :-)
> Native widgets for openoffice.org would be excellent for Hoary.  Are those
> changes going upstream, or do we need to bring in the patch from Fedora?

Well I,m not sure at this point but this why I brought this up and
posted the large list of changes.  It might be easier to pull the
changes from the Fedora RPM and job done.

I suppose we need input from the Debian packager for OOo.

George Farris   farrisg at mala.bc.ca
Network and Technical Services
Malaspina University-College

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