ALPS Glidepoint Touchpad

Jens W. Klein jens.klein at
Fri Oct 22 08:37:56 CDT 2004

Daniel Stone wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 03:06:06PM +0200, Jens W. Klein wrote:
>>My laptop (hp pavilion zv5000z) has a ALPS Glidepoint Touchpad and it 
>>isnt recognized at all. I had the same experience under my previous 
>>Debian Sarge installation on the same machine and found a fix that did 
>>the job, its described in [1]. So the driver and patch[2] are available 
>>and it would be nice to provide it within Ubuntu-Linux.
>>If you need help in testing a patched kernel or other packages related 
>>please contact me.
> I have already filed an enhamcement-severity bug, but the patch, et al,
> came about too late in our development cycle for inclusion.  Synaptics
> cPad support is in the same boat.  Sorry.

To bad :) but i'am in hope it will be included in Hoary?

thx for your fast answer!

jens quadrat - agentur für informationsmanagement         eduplone EEIG
Klein & Partner KEG (Austria)                        co-founding member                    

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