I don't think that a wiki page for HardwareSupport is that a good idea

Matt Zimmerman mdz at canonical.com
Thu Oct 21 17:03:51 CDT 2004

On Wed, Oct 20, 2004 at 04:13:35PM +0200, Kristof Vansant wrote:

> I was adding my hardware and I found it rather difficult to add
> something. I mean for a normal user :)
> I think it would be better to have a page where you have comboboxes with
> all the vendors (if your vendor is not in the list you can add it) the
> chipset, the driver etc.
> when more hardware gets added the list gets to long, so maybe a search
> engine is needed.
> maybe a non-editable wiki page can be rendered from the little database
> that gets created? 

A hardware database is one of the proposed goals for Hoary.

 - mdz

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