grub menu image

Erik Grinaker erikg at
Wed Oct 20 08:08:04 CDT 2004

Hi all

I installed Ubuntu on my laptop yesterday, and I think it has great
potential. However, there seems to be a few rough edges, and so I
thought I might lend a hand wherever there is need.

The first thing that got me was the lack of a grub menu image. Ubuntu
has some really nice graphics, and I think the user should be greeted
with something a bit more exciting than a black/gray 1980-style menu.

There is a nice grub logo available in the wiki:

It shouldn't be much work adding this to the grub package (or optionally
the ubuntu-artwork package), so if this is something we'd want I'd be
happy to provide an updated package.

Erik Grinaker <erikg at>

"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of
life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be
enthusiastic about."
                                                  -- Albert Einstein

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