Impoving localization support

Stefan Rotsch linux at
Tue Oct 19 06:06:42 CDT 2004

Hi all,

first let me say I really like Ubuntu and it's philosophy of "things
should just work". And maybe this experience could be improved for users
of non-English installations a bit:

I did an installation using the German language (but I'm quite sure this
affects other languages as well), and after all I've got a nice,
localized desktop, but two main applications remain untranslated by
default: Firefox and OpenOffice. Localization of these takes the step of
installing the appropriate language packs (mozilla-firefox-locale-de,, which is a quite simple task, but from my point
of view could/should be done automatically to make the _whole_ desktop
"just work".

So: Couldn't this be done automagically during the installation process?
What about creating/maintaining a pseudo-package for each language
available in the installer, which could perform this installation?


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