Road Warriors support (probably in Hoary)

Ondřej Surý ondrej at
Mon Oct 18 15:36:27 CDT 2004


I use my laptop at two locations at work and at home, each type has
different type of connection:

1. static ip address (eth0)
2. dhcp (eth0)
3. CDC-ACM USB modem (ppp0)

There are many laptop road warrior packages in debian (and universe),
but nothing in main.  This makes it pretty complicated for laptop users,
because they either have manually ifupdown interface each time they
change location or install something from universe.  Installing package
from universe is not easy either, because there is too many packages for
laptop users (laptop-net, whereami, laptop-netconf, ifplugd and others).
I ended using laptop-net, but this is not good either, because it
doesn't plug into ifupdown architecture.

I think that for Hoary there should be support for road warriors out of
the box using mapping directive in ifupdown (/etc/network/interfaces)
and we should choose one package which will be supported, has good set
of features (types of probes, etc.) and plugs well into existing

BTW: Warty has birthday just three day after mine.  Libra is good for
this new child = well balanced :-).

Best regards,
Ondřej Surý <ondrej at>

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