Lessons from XP

Thom May thom at canonical.com
Thu Oct 7 07:36:34 CDT 2004

* Michael Banck (mbanck at gmx.net) wrote :
> On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 12:53:47PM +0200, Alex de Landgraaf wrote:
> > On Thu, 2004-10-07 at 03:19 -0700, Daniel Stone wrote:
> > > Hopefully.  But my point was mainly that -- while you and I could
> > > probably hack up a way -- having a GUI for this sort of stuff would be
> > > really nice; especially if we're going for totally rad laptop support.
> > > You know, the things that people lug between home and work. :)
> > 
> > Well, GST's network-admin does come a long way imo, just lacks profile
> > integration with waproamd and VPN/proxy fun. 
> > A nice, complete (GTK) network configuration tool has been on my
> > wishlist for some time too. Have been playing around with gst-backend
> > some time ago, but it's... interesting :)
> AFAIK, the RedHat desktop guys are working on a different solution to
> this which is supposed to be kinda neat and decent. Perhaps teaming up
> with them would be an option?
NetworkManager, you mean?
It's pretty cool - I've been beating up packages in my spare time. 
Hopefully spend some serious love on them this evening.
That sounds like a lot of work... Can we out source?
The Revolution will not be outsourced!
(Slick/Monique - Sinfest)

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