Consider disabling middlemouse.contentLoadURL by default

jorge o. castro jorge at
Sat Oct 2 23:47:41 CDT 2004

Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> The feature under discussion is where, when you middle-click in a Firefox
> window (where there is no hyperlink), it opens the URL in the clipboard.

Also when you middle click on a tab, it pastes also. Unfortunatly, this 
is one case where the windows and linux version of firefox do totally 
different things.

In windows, middle click on a link opens a tab, and middle clicking on 
the tab closes it. This is the equivalent of middlemouse.contentLoadURL 
set to false, which is not the default on the linux builds.

There are plenty of opinions on this, given the amount of bugs filed on 
the middle mouse click for mozilla[1] over the years, so it seems to me 
like it should be an upstream issue, although I personally prefer the 
non-default behavior by far, since a good deal of us do work on multiple 
platforms, the difference in behavior is enough to drive one up the wall.



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