Booting ubuntu from USB-HD

Miguel Escriva Gregori miesgre at
Sun Nov 28 04:28:14 CST 2004


Currently I have installed Ubuntu linux in my Laptop.
Also,I want to install it in my USB-HD for testing porpouses.

The problem is that my Laptop has no USB boot support. I run the ubuntu CD
installer and installed ubuntu in the USB-HD, but after that I can not boot it.

Any solution?¿?

I pass root=/dev/sda1 to the kernel I have installed in the laptop, but it was
 to mount root partition. I think it is because no usb modules are in initrd.

I have changed the initrd and linuxrc script for loading usb-storage but it is
still no booting.

Can somebody help me?¿


PD: Fordward me, I'm not in the list

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