Winmodem support for Hoary?

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Mon Nov 29 21:59:01 CST 2004

On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 10:36:20PM -0500, thully at wrote:

> I currently am using Ubuntu, and wondered if Winmodem support is being
> considered
> for Hoary?  I have a Conexant HSF winmodem (using Linuxant drivers) and it would
> be great to have the drivers for this and other modems integrated into Ubuntu. 
> As non-free drivers are currently being supported in restricted, and much of
> the world is still on dial-up, including winmodem drivers would help greatly in
> making Ubuntu into a better Desktop OS.

There is currently no such project in the queue, no.  Are you interested in
working on one?

 - mdz

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