Translations avaiable but not in debs

Logiotatidis George seadog at
Mon Nov 29 14:18:21 CST 2004

On Σαβ, 2004-11-27 at 15:28 -0800, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 14, 2004 at 04:52:03PM +0200, Logiotatidis George wrote:
> > I am interested in improving greek support in  ubuntu base and programs.
> > There are some stuff already translated like firefox, greek dictionaries
> > for available etc but debian packages don't exist. What should I
> > do so that these stuff gets added in ubuntu? I 've asked the same
> > question in translators list and someone suggested to fill bugs against
> > specific programs with missing stuff. I this the correct way to be done?
> Can you provide specific information?  It is generally not a lot of work to
> package new dictionaries and locale packages, but we need to know which are
> missing and how they can be found.
> -- 
>  - mdz
	I 've spotted that firefox locales and dicts were missing greek
support. The greek firefox team already prepared a
mozilla-firefox-locale-el package which is now in debian (so we can get
from there) and I 've made the packages for (dicts and
hyphenation) as said here
and somebody should upload these since I am neither an ubuntu or debian
official developer...

	I haven't noticed anything else missing from greek support. But as I've
asked in my first email which is the proper way to fill these requests?

thnx in advance

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