D-BUS support for Mono

r_a_trip dlist at ubuntuforums.org
Fri Nov 26 05:22:26 CST 2004

The fear of MS retalliation against Mono seems to be endemic and also
totally out of proportion. Just think about it logical.

What benefit does MS have to start a high profile attack against a
reimplemented competing .NET stack? Strangle the competition? 

MS has found a more powerful weapon. Exclusive contracts with key
agencies like Healthcare and Defense, that run for over NINE years.
Good luck competing with a tender against that...

An all out copyright and patent attack on Mono would damage MSes
already haggard public opinion/image to the point of total loss.
Remember Steve Ballmer? Developers, developers, developers, developers.
Attacking Mono is not attacking FOSS, it is attacking developers. That
is one thing MS cannot afford. (Not to mention that IBM/Novell have a
huge patent arsenal to squash MS if they want to).

Having a development framework that is similar between two major
competing platforms is of importance to MS. One day a Mono developer
might consider switching sides and then he can just plug into .NET and
off he goes. For MS .NET means forging a developer base that can code
for Windows and because they control the spec, they are two steps

Does this mean that Mono is detrimental to FOSS, because MS is two
steps ahead? No, it really is a benefit to have MS pave the way for
free and then have FOSS follow leasurely on the forged path. MS solves
the pittfalls and FOSS gets the matured framework.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter who built the spec for the framework.
What really counts is how easy is it for a developer to work with it
and does it give the developer a tool that makes development faster,
while being able to forge powerful and innovative apps.

Beagle and Dashboard seem to be the prime example that .NET/Mono fits
the requirement.


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