Suggestion for easier post-install config esp. dialup users

S.W.B sb73542 at
Thu Nov 25 22:30:43 CST 2004

Hopefully, you wouldn't even have to read the HOWTO!  :-)  You could just run 
an executable script that, instead of telling you what to do, would do it for 
you.  No real programming requred- BASH scripts are so easy that even I can 
do it.  Many users are too frustrated with searching for instructions and 
downloading programs and editing text files, that they probably wouldn't 
read/follow even the clearest HOWTO.  I'm thinking of a method where you 
would 1) install Ubuntu as normal and then 2) Download/Install  
Ubuntu-extras.deb and then 3) sudo sh ./ and they would have a 
quickly configured system ready for almost anything.

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