D-BUS support for Mono

Sami Haahtinen ressu at ressukka.net
Thu Nov 25 08:25:50 CST 2004

Dmitriy Kropivnitskiy wrote:
> Yes, mono is free. Free, big and ugly. :) Big enough and ugly enough
> that a lot of people do not want to do anything with it.

Big and ugly?

Like python? Like Perl? Like <name your scripting language here>?

I think you are referring to big and ugly like java, which is not the 
case. Mono plays rather nice with the system, it doesn't waste too much 
resources and so on. In theory, it should be lighter than perl and 
pretty near python (as it is bytecompiled and all).

Oh well, people are entitled to have opinions.. What a shame.

- Sami

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