Security design flaw with "default" x-windows login behaviour

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at
Mon Nov 22 11:35:15 CST 2004

Anything that's related to a login is security related, even if it's
not serious (& this certainly isn't). It'll just leave an amateurish
after-taste if it happens to someone who's not familiar with the
"quirks" of OSS (i.e. the fact that GNU/Linux are essentially in a
state of perpetual change).


On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 23:01:51 -0800, Lloyd D Budd <foolswisdom at> wrote:
> It does seem to be non-intuitive (unintentioned? -> bug) behavior ,
> but I wonder if I am not understanding something because I do not see
> the connection to "security" as mentioned in the subject ?
> --
> Peace be in you ,
> Lloyd D Budd

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