Problems with gnopernicus and ubuntu

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Sat Nov 20 15:24:41 CST 2004

Hello Bram,

I have had the screenreader in gnopernicus working on Ubuntu previously 
with a full hardware install. As it happens I have just done a virtual 
PC install now, so after reading your message I tried installing 
gnopernicus as well. And as with you, it didn't work. Gnopernicus comes 
up but there is no sound. I then tried downloading a music file (ogg) to 
try playing that, but still no sound. So it seems that there is a 
general problem with VirtualPC/Ubuntu and sound. (can anyone confirm this?)

Do you have a chance to try it on a clean machine or at least as a dual 
boot? Hopefully the next version of the Live CD will have gnopernicus 
easily available, so that will make it easier for people to test. You 
might want to try the Live CD now already though. I think you can 
install software from the net while running the Live CD, but you will of 
course loose it when you reboot.

- Henrik

Bram Duvigneau wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm new to this list and also new to the use of linux as a desktop 
> system. I only use Debian GNU/Linux to run a server at the moment. But 
> because I wanted to test the gnopernicus screenreader and I wanted to 
> check out the new ubuntu distribution, I decided to install in a 
> virtual machine with vmware.
> Now everything  is up and running, alsothe gnome environment. But, 
> when I start the gnopernicus screenreader I get no output at all. I 
> asked a sighted person to assist me and he comfirmed that the main 
> window of gnopernicus was on the screen. All the speech parameters 
> where correct and he checked the checkbox to start braille support. I 
> compiled and installed the latest version of brltty from the official 
> website because this version has usb support for my alva sattelite 
> display, therefore I choose the brltty driver for gnopernicus. But, 
> there is still no output at all. The festival synth is working, I 
> tested it from the commandline by entering echo test | festival --tts.
> Someone any solution? I will post some logs if needed.
> Bram
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