Bug? gnome-panel-screenshot array cd

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at canonical.com
Sat Nov 20 05:22:40 CST 2004

Le samedi 20 novembre 2004 à 04:22 -0500, Magneto Ubuntu a écrit :
> gnome-panel-screenshot is not installed after a
> generic(non-custom/expert) Hoary install. Nor is the screenshot menu
> launcher present.  Is this intentional?
> Installation was performed with the Array CD.
> It seems that gnome-panel version 2.9.1-oubuntu2(hoary) is the latest
> version and contains the gnome-panel-screenshot man but no
> gnome-panel-screenshot executable.
> Was this intentionally removed perhaps?


Usually reading the package's changelog give some informations on what
happens to the package:

gnome-panel (2.9.1-0ubuntu1) hoary; urgency=low

  * New upstream release:
    - the screenshot feature has been moved into gnome-utils.

BTW there is already some threads on the list for this and a bug open in
bugzilla (which is the right place for reporting bugs). This will be
fixed when gnome-utils upstream will release a new tarball.


Sebastien Bacher

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