universe and security updates

Sascha Morr sascha.morr at sturmkind.info
Sat Nov 20 00:10:20 CST 2004

Jeff Waugh schrieb:
> <quote who="Markus Hubig">
>>im wondering if "the universe" is based on debian sarge or sid.
>>If it's based on sarge are the sarge security updates included?
> All the packages in each Ubuntu release are branched from Debian sid, and
> there is no relationship between Ubuntu releases and Debian releases (such
> as woody, sarge, etc).
> There are no security updates for universe or multiverse, only main.

What is about the Idea to get Maintainers for the universe and 
multiverse packages like in debian? So security updates will be 
available and the ubuntu crew haven't to care about this.


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