Feature request: browsing filesystem in gnome "computer" menu

Tom von Schwerdtner tomvons at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 13:58:34 CST 2004

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 11:26:13 -0800, George Farris <farrisg at mala.bc.ca> wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-19-11 at 20:08 +0100, Lukas Kolbe wrote:
> > Am Freitag, den 19.11.2004, 10:41 -0800 schrieb George Farris:
> >
> > > Only in Spacial mode, not in browser mode.  Browser mode doesn't
> > > remember squat which is really bad.  On that note I'm bowing out of this
> > > conversation, thanks all.
> >
> > Did you actually _read_ that mail?
> Yes, I'm not sure I understand what you are getting at.  In spacial mode
> the windows remember in browser mode they don't.

In spatial mode the window size and position is remembered on a
per-folder basis.

The point is that if this were true with browser mode then every time
you changed to a new folder, the window would move and resize to the
remembered settings for that folder.

I assume what you are thinking that is it would remember the settings
for the folder you 'start' on.


Tom von Schwerdtner
Etria, LLP :: Open Source Solutions
Baltimore, MD

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