Feature request: browsing filesystem in gnome "computer" menu

George Farris farrisg at mala.bc.ca
Fri Nov 19 11:08:05 CST 2004

On Fri, 2004-19-11 at 08:25 -0800, George Farris wrote:

> In it he talks about the most used button in Firefox being the back
> button and it should be larger.  The same may be said about Nautilus in
> that the most used feature of just opening a new window and closing the
> old one should be tied to the left-click.  There should at least be an
> option to allow this.  I really think that the browser window should
> have a feature to allow the gtkfilebrowser sidebar to pop up for
> bookmarks and filesystem access.

Sorry sent this without finishing my thought.  It really doesn't matter
which way Nautilus is used, only that the user has a way to set it so
they can work efficiently.  IF this means open new window and close old
with left-0click so be it.  Personally that would be the way I would use
it most.  The other thing that continually aggravates me is that there
is no way to go back.  Now if the Nautilus browser mode would remember
my window sizes and settings this would be a moot point.

I guess this should really move to the Nautilus list.

George Farris   farrisg at mala.bc.ca
Network and Technical Services
Malaspina University-College

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