Hostname funniness

Lorenzo E. Danielsson lorenzo at
Fri Nov 19 02:19:27 CST 2004

On Thu, 2004-11-18 at 17:08 +0100, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> * Thomas Hood 
> | > shonap localhost.localdomain localhost
> | 
> | This is not perfect either because it makes '' the
> | canonical hostname of "localhost".  This:
> Why is that a problem?
> | localhost.localdomain localhost
> | shonap
> | 
> | is better in that respect.
> I think that looks hideous.

I'd have to agree. As I said, my FreeBSD box does the right thing, IMO.

I would expect 'hostname -s' to give me the host name part of
'hostname'. As somebody explained the hostname man page explains why I
don't get what I expect from 'hostname -s'. But I still don't agree with

I'm also left with another question: since Gentoo is also a GNU
operating system, why does it do the right thing? I don't have regular
access to the box these days, so I can't look into it myself. But I know
for a fact that it does do the right thing.


> -- 
> Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
> UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
>                                                                       `. `' 
>                                                                         `-  

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