Feature request: browsing filesystem in gnome "computer" menu

Diego Andrés Asenjo González dasenjo at gmail.com
Thu Nov 18 22:34:47 CST 2004

Hi again!
> > > > If it takes two hands just to open a silly folder, someone needs to
> > > > rethink the term "usability."
> > I agree.
> > >
> > > Use double-middle-click, then ;)
> I think you are ignoring the discussion. Left click opens a folder in a
> new window, which is the default behavior. People who want to open a
> folder and automatically close the previous one, can use middle-click as
> a shortcut or left-click to open new window and then left-click on the
> close button in the upper right corner of the previous window.
Sorry if I'm ignoring something. I just think that an average user is
not going to "discover" the action produced by the middle button, and
can be so disturbed by many windows if has to open a long path in the
directory structure.
> > Sadly, Windows and the file explorer in "browse mode" are another
> > defacto standard. Im not a Windows user, I don't like Windows. I just
> > want to have a "usable"  Linux desktop. Just make it deafult browser,
> > and leave the spatial configuration at four clicks of distance.
> The desktop is usable. Browsing in windows IS NOT A DEFAULT ACTION!!! If
> you left click on My Computer icon in win2k or XP, you get a window with
> icons, similar to spatial nautilus. Now, that window is reuasble unless
> you change the preferences, but it doesn't have a tree pain, unless you
> right click and choose "Explore" from context menu. Ubuntu desktop is
> "usable". Although it has usability bugs, this is NOT one of them.
I cant remember, I didn't have use winXP, but the default file
explorer action is browsing. I think that Ubuntu desktop is possibly
the most usable in the free world, but the spatial mode broke the
paradigms of exploring the file system.
> > The 95% of the people are used to the browser mode. If the 5% like the
> > spatial mode .. make it easy configurable for them.
> 1. Where did you get the numbers? I would like a reference.
I heard about the 95-98% of the PC's have Windows. Sorry, I didn't
find a reference.
> 2. Who says most people are used to browser mode?
Is the "default" mode in Windows.
> > The 95% of the people are used to the browser mode. If the 5% like the
> > spatial mode .. make it easy configurable for them.
> We have a choice. Either we can produce a piece of software that acts as
> much like Windows as possible, or we can produce a piece of software
> that we believe is better. The argument for the first of these is that
> it lowers the transition cost. But lowering the transition cost is
> worthless unless we also provide something that is compellingly
> technically better. And being better is inconsistent with being as
> similar to Windows as possible.
I agree with the general idea. I think we must try to be technically
better than Windows or any other Desktop OS. But I don't think that
are strong arguments to decide which mode is technically better.
Simply, browse mode is most used.
> We should not try to be good enough. We should not try to be a bit
> better. We should try to be as good as possible. This will reduce
> short-term uptake, but increase long-term uptake. And, fundamentally,
> the long-term argument is more important.
I agree.
> > It could be.
> > I just don't want that good programmers like you spend time discusing
> > about a little feature of Nautilus for a week.
> On this point, I heartily agree with you, I think that this thread is
> about 4-5 times longer than it ever should have gotten.
I'm a newbie. I just want to contribute. Let finish the thread. There
is enough illustration about the theme.

Long life to Free Software!!!

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