Hostname funniness

Thomas Hood jdthood at
Thu Nov 18 11:36:50 CST 2004

On Thu, 2004-11-18 at 18:30, Dmitriy Kropivnitskiy wrote:
> Exactly my point. is NEVER reachable

No?  Try pinging it.

> , so any program that
> tries to contact your host by name is going to fail weather you are
> connected to the network or not.

Not true.  Lots of services answer at  

Programs that need to contact the local host by name can be configured
to use the name 'localhost'.

> So the choice is clearly either to
> dynamically change /etc/hosts or to point to by default. I do
> not really see a problem with the second approach, since reasonably
> speaking, system should be always able to reach itself no matter network
> or not.

What do you do with 'localhost'  Is the hostname an alias for
'localhost' or vice versa?

Thomas Hood

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