Feature request: browsing filesystem in gnome "computer" menu

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at grawert.net
Thu Nov 18 09:30:37 CST 2004

Am Donnerstag, den 18.11.2004, 14:32 +0000 schrieb poptones:
> If it takes two hands just to open a silly folder, someone needs to
> rethink the term "usability."
for me the middle click works one handed, but i'm interested how you do
it two handed though.....

> Software that "forces" the user is not user-friendly - it's the
> opposite. It's coercion, and not the compiler kind; It's
> anti-libertarian. It might be simple, but so is a cardboard box.
> Although some of us tragically may live in them as adults, most of us
> gave up playing in cardboard boxes years ago - and I doubt any of us
> -want- to occupy one.
do you mean like if i buy SuSE i get a cluttered KDE menu and if i buy
mandrake i get a lot of gtk-perl based sysadmin tools (would you
complain about any of this ??) ? hey, its linux, you can configure
anything as you like and from the people i installed ubuntu for, nobody
complained about the interface or usability and if they would i could
tell them how to change it easily.... it is the choice of the
distributor and i guess there have been enought discussions inside
canonical how to get to sane defaults.....and still its configurable in
any other manner. 
so please, show me where is the "forcing" here ?

> Why do people try to reduce usability discussions to matters of religion? 
> Do you have no idea how offensive that is?
hmm, behaving like a missionary will probably recieve a religious

> Here's a novel idea: make it configurable. It doesn't have to be a
> bunch of right click menus or an obvious feature stuck on the launch
> menu. But give the users gnome config settings so we can make "silly"
> choices like having "spatial" mode WITH a toolbar, or having
> middle-click functionality. Let us decide what buttons go where, how
> the mouse behaves to clicks...
KDE is in universe....

>  and let each user decide what works best
> for themselves. Imagine - a choice without having to choose "none of the
> above!" Jefferson would be so proud.
could you point out where actually this setting is offered in ubuntus
gnome ? i couldnt find it anywhere....


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