Wouldn't it be interesting to make ubuntu more interresting for companies by creating ubuntu-workstation

Kristof Vansant de_lupus at pandora.be
Mon Nov 15 11:24:00 CST 2004

Wouldn't it be interesting to make ubuntu more interresting for
companies by creating ubuntu-workstation.

has all the specific things you need for your work like gnome, xorg,
openoffice, evolution, firefox, basic themes, basic xscreensavers.

ubuntu-desktop includes all the packages that ubuntu-workstation also

In ubuntu-desktop we put extra things that does not belong on a desktop
at work (things that can piss of your boss :)) but is for at home:

For example:
- extra xscreensavers
- extra themes
- gnome-games
- totem
- rhythmbox
- gdesklets
- gaim
- gFTP
- xchat
- ...

What belongs in ubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-workstation should be

Work needed:
make ubuntu-desktop depend on ubuntu-workstation.
make certain some ubuntu-desktop packages depend on ubuntu-workstation
split xscreensaver and some other theme things in 2 packages.
(professional and fun :))

lupusBE (Kristof Vansant Belgium)

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