[spatka@luzanky.cz: Suggestion for ubuntulinux xorg or xfree]

Daniel Stone daniel.stone at canonical.com
Sun Nov 14 14:02:21 CST 2004

----- Forwarded message from Petr ?patka <spatka at luzanky.cz> -----

Message-ID: <4197AD73.8090703 at luzanky.cz>
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2004 20:09:39 +0100
From: Petr ?patka <spatka at luzanky.cz>
To: daniel.stone at canonical.com
Subject: Suggestion for ubuntulinux xorg or xfree

Good day

I am testing UbuntuLinux. It is very good. I have small suggestion for 
xfree or xorg in UbuntuLinux. On the page http://dejavu.sourceforge.net 
exists extended Bitstream Vera  Fonts with characters from iso-8859-2 
(Bitstream contain only iso-8859-1). Quality of fonts very good (same as 
original). Please add it in UbuntuLinux.

Thank you.
Petr Spatka

----- End forwarded message -----

Daniel Stone                                        <daniel.stone at canonical.com>
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