Nautilus copy CD/DVD request.

George Farris farrisg at
Mon Nov 8 17:36:37 CST 2004

On Mon, 2004-08-11 at 19:41 +0100, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Montag, den 08.11.2004, 10:28 -0800 schrieb George Farris:
> > I mentioned this a few months ago and wanted to just quickly make sure
> > it didn't get lost in the ether.
> > 
> > It would be great it one could right click on the cdrom icon in Computer
> > and choose "Copy disk".  It probably shouldn't matter if it is mounted
> > or not.  This would remove a large number of questions about CD/DVD
> > burners as currently many people just want to duplicate.
> > 
> > Possible with Nautilus cd burner?  Probably. Easy to implement? Don't
> > know.  Would be nice though.  This probably belongs on a Nautilus list
> > somewhere
> while i'm currently working on a audio CD burning frontend for mp3burn
> [1] (i couldnt stand the broken k3b installs out there anymore;) ) i
> will look if i can write a nautilus-script (probably with a little bit
> of zenity and hal love). i will put it on the wikisite below (and send a
> notification) if i got something ready:
This is great, I actually thought of doing something like that myself,
however, it would be really nice if it was part of Nautilus itself.
People tend to know about right clicking on something or can easily be
taught.  When I want to copy something in the file manager I right click
or drag.  If I was to right click on the cdrom in Computer and it had a
"Copy disk" menu item, that would be exceptional.

George Farris   farrisg at
Network and Technical Services
Malaspina University-College

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