ISDN does not work

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Sun Nov 7 15:36:27 CST 2004

On Sun, Nov 07, 2004 at 10:19:32PM +0100, Christoph Bier wrote:

> This week I installed Warty on another desktop PC of a friend,
> that's connected to the internet via ISDN. But there's a hard (at
> least for me) problem, already mentioned by another guy on
> linux.debian.bugs.dist at 19. October 2004
> (2R0OZ-3GM-9 at

Can you provide a URL for the discussion?

> Restarting ISDN services: error:
>     Neither /dev/isdninfo nor /dev/isdn/isdninfo exist!
>     Before you can use any ISDN facilities, ensure you have the 	
>     proper kernel modules loaded. These will probably be 'isdn' and
>     'hisax'. Read /usr/share/doc/isdnutils-base/README.HiSax.gz for
>     more information (e.g. with 'zless
>     /usr/share/doc/isdnutils-base/README.HiSax.gz').
> But isdn and hisax are loaded successfully as you can see above.

It sounds like the kernel drivers need to be updated to use sysfs and udev.

 - mdz

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