Evolution 2.1 can't use ssl or tls for pop3

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at canonical.com
Sat Nov 6 11:17:55 CST 2004

Le samedi 06 novembre 2004 à 17:53 +0100, Bastian Doetsch a écrit :
> Hi There,
> Since the update, my accounts only work without encrypting communication
> to the pop3 servers. 


What's the error exactly ? Do you get some outpur if you run evolution
from a gnome-terminal ?

> If anyone needs more info, tell me how to gather it...btw, how can I do
> create a backtrace of a program error (in this case nautilus-cd-burner)?

When it crashs you should get a bug-buddy window with a button to report
the bug. If you select this option, in the "show details" of the next
window you have the backtrace.


Sebastien Bacher

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