Documentation Meeting Thursday 2004-11-04, 13:00 UTC, #ubuntu-meeting

Enrico Zini enrico at
Tue Nov 2 13:45:06 CST 2004

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 01:29:57PM -0300, Enrico Zini wrote:

>  From a look at,
> all proposed times in the table are kind of outdated now, so I'll try to
> make a proposal, people can amend with their alternatives and I'll wrap
> everything up tomorrow at 15:00 UTC [1] and make an announcement.

It's 19:20 UTC, time for amendments expired, so I'll make the annoucement.

There will be a Documentation Team Meeting on #ubuntu-devel on thursday,
November 4.  The time, after merging all the preferences given at, will be 13:00UTC.

Summary, directly from the mouth of the Holy Secretary Cow:

   / Documentation Team Meeting \
   |                            |
   | Date: Thursday, 2004-11-04 |
   |                            |
   | Time: 13:00 UTC            |
   |                            |
   \ Place: #ubuntu-meeting     /
           \   ^__^
            \  (oo)\_______
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                   ||----w |
                   ||     ||
(I wanted to make it highlighted, I hope I managed)

The meeting agenda is at .

Please check the corresponding time in your local timezone at

I most probably won't be able to attend the meeting, so if I won't be
around, please someone send me the log and I'll produce and post a



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