Just signed up, where do we go from here?

Matt Zimmerman mdz at canonical.com
Mon Nov 1 12:27:57 CST 2004

On Sun, Oct 17, 2004 at 02:03:33PM -0700, Darren Critchley wrote:

> On the user list when I mentioned this, Matt asked what I had in mind, 
> so I will put forth my proposal here after having some feedback from the 
> moderator/admin/project lead/etc so I know who I am dealing with and 
> what is expected, etc.
> So if someone could respond to this, then I'll let you know what I have 
> in mind and see if it fits in with Ubuntu, etc. I do realize of course 
> that there is a feature freeze on, so I am thinking ahead to the next 
> iteration.

No need to wait for a response; tell us your ideas so that we can discuss

The consensus so far seems to be that openswan is the right choice for the

 - mdz

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