ipw2100, alps, splash

Matt Zimmerman mdz at canonical.com
Mon Dec 27 17:24:43 CST 2004

On Mon, Dec 27, 2004 at 11:38:24PM +0100, Josephus wrote:

> Since i'm a notebook user too (dell inspiron 8600) my life is a little 
> bit harder with ubuntu's default kernel. My question is that will these 
> things in the subject ever be included in ubuntu kernel?
> alps.patch is in synaptic package, with that you can do scrolling, 
> tapping, and all the fancy stuffs (it patches the ps2 driver)


> ipw2100 would be nice too, they have patches at ipw2100.sf.net (Or maybe 
> it's already included? can't remember, because first thing i did after 
> install is compile a new kernel by hand)

ipw2100 has been included since August.

> Currently i'm using gensplash, which is in development, but it's usable, 
> and it can do better then bootsplash when it will be done.
> http://dev.gentoo.org/~spock
> Or course splash is not a musthave thing, it just looks great, and often 
> suspend doesn't work with it, but imho it's a fb issue :)

A splash facility is one of the feature goals for the Hoary release.

> And one more thing for the end is that after installing warty, i had to
> write my custom modelines and refresh rate settings to XConfig in order to
> get the X working. Mabye some detection, and autoconfiguration would be
> fine, i just don't know how is this possible.

Most hardware is already detected and configured automatically.  If it isn't
working for you, follow these instructions to get the necessary information
and file a bug report in Bugzilla:


 - mdz

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