Help wanted: Maintenance of universe and multiverse (Re: New mailing list/section of website proposal for Unsupported Software)

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Fri Dec 24 17:18:20 CST 2004

On Fri, Dec 24, 2004 at 12:18:46PM -0800, crimsun at wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 24, 2004 at 11:57:54AM -0800, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > The general idea is that:
> > 
> > - A team will be formed, to be comprised of members of the Ubuntu community
> >   with the interest and technical skills to care for the packages in
> >   Ubuntu's universe and multiverse components
> The synopsis[0] seems unclear regarding precisely who is able to
> participate in the gardening. Am I correct to infer from "members of
> the Ubuntu community" that these will be "members" in Ubuntu's
> patcher/committer/maintainer sense? (I certainly am interested in
> joining such a team for uni- and multiverse, but I have not begun the
> member process.)

Anyone can participate, of course (discussion, analysis, bug tracking,
writing patches), without any requirements for membership.  Though, we
expect that in the course of participating in this kind of work, most will
choose to become members, as a natural step in becoming more involved with
the community.

For obvious security reasons, of course, only registered committers can
actually make changes to the packages in the archive.  Thus, it is also
expected that some members will go on to become committers as well, in the
course of participating in this effort.

> > - Project resources can be devoted to supporting this team in various ways
> >   (a mailing list, bug tracking facilities, etc.)
> I am in favor of creating a mailing list and a separate bugzilla
> section for uni- and multiverse packages.

I think it is appropriate for email discussions to take place on
ubuntu-devel for now, to avoid dividing our attention and efforts.
This is, after all, Ubuntu development activity.

It would be preferable to use the new Launchpad bug tracking facility,
rather than a separate Bugzilla product, as we intend to transition all of
our bug tracking there eventually.  Whether or not this is feasible depends
on how quickly the MOTU community grows, and the progress of Launchpad

 - mdz

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