Apt-Watch for Ubuntu....

Matt Zimmerman mdz at canonical.com
Thu Dec 23 12:51:37 CST 2004

On Thu, Dec 23, 2004 at 01:35:47PM -0500, Lee Connell wrote:

> thanks for reply.  I downloaded both upgrade-notifer & upgrade-manager.  I 
> ran upgrade-manager fine, however when running upgrade-notifier it just 
> sits their.  Is this suppose to be a daemon, because it's not setup as a 
> startup script?  I looked to see if it was a panel applet & I don't see it 
> available there.  Is it suppose to be a panel applet like apt-watch?

It is a notification icon; it is meant to run continuously, but only
displays an icon when there are updates.

It will be added to the default GNOME session when it is ready.

 - mdz

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