New mailing list/section of website proposal for Unsupported Software

Magnus Therning magnus at
Sat Dec 18 05:19:49 CST 2004

On Sat, Dec 18, 2004 at 11:16:39AM +0100, Lukas Kolbe wrote:
>Am Samstag, den 18.12.2004, 09:56 +0100 schrieb Magnus Therning:
>> Excellent point to introduce some unofficial (i.e. community based)
>> support. One thing that has to be sorted out though is how I, as a
>> non-maintainer, can help in this besides replying to emails. Can I fix
>> problems in packages and upload them somewhere?
>Hm, nobody stops anyone from making patches and upload them somewhere -
>it depends on the Ubunut-developers whether they accept it or not, and
>I can bet that if there were a community-based universe/multiverse
>support, they will be happy to use/support it.

I think they would too, but where is that "somewhere"? If there was a
bugzilla for universe/multiverse then patches could be attached to bug


Magnus Therning  Philips Research  +31-40-2745179
WDC2.52, Prof. Holstlaan 4, 5656AA Eindhoven, The Netherlands
mailto:therning at  OpenPGP:0x4FBB2C40

You call it untidy, I call it LRU ordered
     -- Daniel Barlow
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