Creating audio CDs in Hoary.

Jorge Bernal koke at
Tue Dec 14 12:34:12 CST 2004

El mar, 14-12-2004 a las 16:41 +0100, Jeff Waugh escribió:
> Yeah, we've been watching optimystic, gnome-baker and coaster - there are no
> packages for any of them so far, however. That would be a good first project
> for anyone interested in seeing one of these apps in Ubuntu.

I tried gnome-baker and seems too buggy, optimystic has not an stable
release yet, and I don't now the current state of coaster.

Anyway, I like more the aproach of integrating the audio cd burning in
rhythmbox, data cd burning in nautilus-cd-burner, and maybe adding some
of this "more advanced" packages to universe.

Jorge Bernal "Koke"
Personal:       koke at
Jabber:         koke at

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