Ubuntu blues

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at gmail.com
Fri Dec 10 12:04:08 CST 2004

>> Shouldn't they start to learn about computers in a free environment?
> I don't think so. They should learn the most useful enviroment. This
> is like learning, I don't know.. Russian instead of French or Spanish
> at school.
> At the moment, Windows is the most useful enviroment at 95%+ of
> businesses use it on their desktops, and therefore that's going to be
> the one they are going to experience when they are older.

By the time these kids are into business Windows and Linux will be
virtually indistinguishable much like Mac OS and Windows are
moderately interoperable.

Anyway, I'm sure this topic has been discussed to death so I'll leave
it at that.

PS Perhaps this should move over to sounder at lists.ubuntu.com?


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