Ubuntu blues

demon666_nl dlist at ubuntuforums.org
Fri Dec 10 11:36:09 CST 2004

Martin Alderson Wrote: 
> Sorry guys, but this is turned into a flamewar.
> I don't have the effort to continue it, but needless to say I feel
> that aslong as Linux continues to have this attitude of 'WIND0WZ
> SUX0RZZ111LOL', it's not going to address the real issues.

I do think that hoary can be a great alternative to windows XP

Is ubuntu ready for the average-desktop-user?

I do think we can learn of some of the stuff microsoft is trying to
accomplish in Longhorn.

Longhorn-like features that Ubuntu needs

Martin Alderson Wrote: 
> I thought it was very funny that someone commented that Bash was more
> familiar than Windows for them. Gee, that's got to be 1% of the
> computer-using population.
> Also, installation is stil a huge issue on Linux. This needs fixed, and
> fast.
> apt-get is not good enough for the reason it's centralized and _STILL_
> requires per-distro packages. This is not good enough - I can run
> Win3.1 apps on XP absolutely fine.

Ubuntu developers are working on easier updating and installing tools.
They will be in Hoary.

See also :

Click And Run in Ubuntu???

Martin Alderson Wrote: 
> Also, as for this 'Linux is more difficult to exploit' stuff, I don't
> really believe it to be honest. It doesn't really matter anyway since
> the main problem is USER CONSNETED SPYWARE INSTALLS. Please tell me
> how Linux is going to stop this? How can you stop someone installing
> spyware.deb or whatever when they type their password and press OK -
> answer? You can't.

windows makes it too easy to install spyware.

The biggest security risk are the average-desktop-users themselves. But
windows  isn't easy to secure for those average-destop-users.

Martin Alderson Wrote: 
> Yes, Windows has its problems, yes, it used to suck and crash all the
> time. But Linux has many more problems for the desktop still to
> overcome (which are being solved, but I sometimes get frustrated in
> the direction of Linux Desktop - thankfully things like HAL are
> becoming a top priority which should of happened a long time ago), and
> I think GTK2 is still less stable (or harder to write stable apps for)
> than Win32 apps.

I didn't actually write a GTK app but pygtk seems easy.


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