Ubuntu blues

nuopus dlist at ubuntuforums.org
Thu Dec 9 23:53:40 CST 2004

Martin Alderson Wrote: 
> For gods sake, it's not a damn religion. It's an operating system - a
> means to an end.
> Morales should not be 'opensource software for desktop'. It should be
> things like violence, racism, equality etc etc etc.
> Children will 'grow up' and learn about this stuff in their own time.
> Just teach them what they need to know and the stuff they need for
> later life, not give them a crash course on why the GPL is far suprior
> to MIT licensing.
The moral condition, or the condition in other respects, so
far as it is affected by, or dependent upon, moral
considerations, such as zeal, spirit, hope, and confidence;
mental state, as of a body of men, an army, and the like.

By the ENGLISH definition of MORALE or MORALES is correct when dealing
with a philosophy in software such as open source. If you need the
definition of philosophy too then ask. I know how to use a dictionary.
Open Source is also a philosophy is software distribution and design.


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