
Jean Privat privat at
Wed Dec 8 05:15:52 CST 2004

On the wiki I read
"Closing the lid should trigger suspend-to-RAM by default".
I want to discuss about two points.

Why suspend-to-RAM when the laptop is on AC ? There is no power to save
and the user or the computer may want to perform various tasks like
downloading or computation.

With or without suspend-to-RAM, opening the lid may display a locked
screen. But in both case, I think nothing must be done immediately
because is is annoying to have to wait suspend/resume and to have to
enter password only because you close the lid to sit somewhere else.

I resume my position with this simple states and events behaviour.

AC + lid close event -> nothing(1)
AC + lid is closed for 10 seconds -> lock the screen
lid is opened or closed + unplug AC event -> start power management
(no AC and closed lid) for 10 seconds -> lock the screen, suspend-to-RAM
lid open event -> nothing (except resume if needed)

(1) Turn off the screen may be good if bioses do not do this but I am
afraid about external screen turn off also.

What is the developer position about this ?

Jean Privat

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