gnome-user-share (apache) and open ports

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Fri Dec 3 10:48:37 CST 2004

<quote who="Santiago Erquicia">

> The original idea of not having a firewall was that there were no open
> ports by default and if anyone wanted to install apache, for example,
> he/she had the necessary expertise to protect the system.
> Now, with gnome-user-share, we are going to end up with apache installed
> (by default?) but usually this is going to be used by "normal people"
> without knowledge for protecting the system.
> How is this going to done?

We may not have gnome-user-share installed by default, and if we did, we may
not have apache running or listening. Either way, nothing will listen by
default, as per policy.

Independently of this, I would like to sort out a firewalling and internet
sharing tool at some stage, but there's no huge pressure to do so just yet.

- Jeff

-- 2005: Canberra, Australia      
    You know a French woman is faking it when she screams, "I would like
                     the table near the window please!"

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