mail list

Karl Hegbloom hegbloom at
Wed Dec 1 14:54:26 CST 2004

On Tue, 2004-11-30 at 09:23 -0600, eduardo osorio armenta wrote:
> hi
>  i'm currently running warty, and i want to compile mono 1.1.2
> i want to know if  is there an email list for asking about ?

Try google, and look for the Mono developer's site.  They will have that
information.  You can probably also get the source to the debianized
Mono packages via "apt-get source" or the 'apt-src' program.

 root at localhost:~ # apt-get install apt-src
 karlhge at localhost:~/src % apt-cache search '^mono'
 karlheg at localhost:~/src % apt-src install mono-assemblies-common

... would get you started, I bet.

     Karl Hegbloom                 ,''`.
(o_   mailto:hegbloom at      : :' :
//\    jabber:karlheg at   `. `'
V_/_    yahoo:karlheg                `-

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