<html><head></head><body><div style="font-family: Verdana;font-size: 12.0px;"><div>Mostly it is a consistency issue. It seems like all major OS use the convention to have "localhost" resolve to "::1" as well as "". Even Ubuntu's base Debian uses this convention. Also Arch, Gentoo, OpenWrt, macOS, and Windows.</div>
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<div>This way, it is causing issues if people use software on Ubuntu that was crafted for not-Ubuntu, and vice versa. It will also cause masking problems. And thus, it complicates the move towards IPv6. I do understand it might also break some stuff in some cases, but we also can't keep everything forever, especially if the rest of the world has already decided which way to go.</div>
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<div>Specific problems most prominently arose probably when NodeJS started to stop reordering DNS replies with preference for IPv4 and now let the OS decide again over DNS sorting order (according to address source and destination selection). This was especially visible when running the automated tests. Wild usage of "localhost" and "" just decided by gut feeling made this change an uncessarily big effort.</div>
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<div>I do agree though that introducing such a change in 22.10 is probably the better option and a good way to iron out issues until making it into the next LTS release.</div>
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<div>Looking forward to your comments.</div>
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<div style="margin: 0 0 10.0px 0;"><b>Gesendet:</b> Donnerstag, 21. April 2022 um 05:14 Uhr<br/>
<b>Von:</b> "Richard Laager" <rlaager@wiktel.com><br/>
<b>An:</b> ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com<br/>
<b>Betreff:</b> Re: Include `::1 localhost` in /etc/hosts</div>
<div>On 4/20/22 15:48, Treysis wrote:<br/>
> Not having localhost to resolve to ::1 is getting problematic.<br/>
Why? Can you elaborate on the issue(s) you're seeing?<br/>
I've always assumed the trade-off is as follows:<br/>
A) localhost resolves to ::1 (with or without too)<br/>
Pro: Things can use IPv6 instead of IPv4 locally.<br/>
Pro: It becomes easier to have IPv6-only systems.<br/>
Con: If a daemon doesn't listen on ::1, but does on,<br/>
this change potentially breaks it. If the client(s) use<br/>
IPv4 only, then as long as localhost points to both, it<br/>
won't break. But if the client prefers IPv6, then it will<br/>
break. If the client uses Happy Eyeballs, it will work,<br/>
probably with slightly increased initial latency.<br/>
B) localhost resolves to only<br/>
Pro: Daemons that listen only on (because they're old)<br/>
or only do so by default (because their default config is old<br/>
or the user's config is old) still work.<br/>
Con: IPv6 doesn't get exercised as much.<br/>
Con: It's harder to have an IPv6-only system.<br/>
All that said, at work, my systems have an /etc/hosts that is templated<br/>
from Ansible, and my template for Debian and Ubuntu is based on Debian<br/>
which points localhost to both and ::1. I've not had any<br/>
problems with that.<br/>
It's way too late to change this for 22.04, but changing it for 22.10<br/>
might be ideal. That would give the maximal time to shake out bugs<br/>
before the next LTS.<br/>
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