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Hello to all your team.<br>
I want to report a bug with libre office version under
oubuntu mate 20.04.<br>
Installing the libre office-gtk3 package with synaptic causes calc
to crash when moving through the calc sheets.<br>
This bug did not exist until now?<br>
<p>I am at your disposal to give you more information</p>
<p>Very sincerelly</p>
<p>Patrice Lemonnier<br>
<p><img src="cid:part1.3821D760.BF428776@free.fr" alt=""></p>
<div class="moz-signature">-- <img
src="cid:part2.07BC633F.8B0A6216@free.fr" alt=""><br>
<img src="cid:part3.D8777E6B.7C5A5A7A@free.fr" border="0"></div>