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<p><font size="+1"><tt><b>Shopping for a 64 bit motherboard for
Ubuntu feels like a trip to the casino... It affects development
and users.<br>
<p><font size="+1"><tt><b>Over</b><b>view:</b><br>
With the move toward 64 bit -only support, 64 bit
motherboards, native BIOS settings, BIOS config for Linux, and
motherboard manufacturers are an important topic.</tt></font></p>
<p><font size="+1"><tt>The questions include: a. what BIOS settings
are relevant and b. specific issues LISTED BY MANUFACTURER.</tt></font></p>
<p><font size="+1"><tt><b>Problem:</b><br>
Generally, installing Ubuntu on 32 bit machines has been no
problem. However, different 64 bit motherboard manufacturers
have different native BIOS settings, many of which create
problems for installing and booting to Ubuntu. Every situation
can be different.<br>
<p><font size="+1"><tt>Searching for solutions on forums is hit and
miss. There is no semi-comprehensive place/hashtag to search.<br>
<p><font size="+1"><tt>Also, there is no central place to verify
which motherboards "play well" with Ubuntu when installing or
making purchasing decisions for which motherboards are good.
"Recommended for Ubuntu" is not enough, the public needs to
know information on BIOS and motherboards for THEIR SPECIFIC
user needs.<br>
<p><font size="+1"><tt><b>Proposed Solution:</b><br>
There needs to be 1. community awareness and 2. a
"centralized" database for necessary BIOS "settings" and
<p><font size="+1"><tt>The "centralized database" could simply be
the hashtag #mb64 ANYWHERE in the forums, stack overflow,
askubuntu, etc. It does not require work on Ubuntu's part, no
new Wiki, a hashtag is a first step for now.</tt></font></p>
<p><font size="+1"><tt><b>De</b><b>velopment:</b><br>
Linux installers (the software that installs Ubuntu) also run
into problems with motherboard/BIOS settings. Good job guys,
but I see you have your work cut out for you. "Installability"
on many different 64 bit motherboard manufacturers could be
lot of work for developers. This "centralized" databse will
also help streamline development roadmaps for Ubuntu installer
software on 64bit systems.</tt></font></p>
<p><font size="+1"><tt>Thanks all and love!<br>