<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div>Dear maintainers, <br>with pasystray from standard repository the mouse middle-click has no reaction, not muting as described in man page and working in former ubuntu versions.<br><br></div><div>My mail with the developer suggests a problem with ubuntu.<br></div><div>Best regards<br></div><div>Herbert Herwig<br></div><div>10829 Berlin<br><br></div><div>Mails:#########################<br></div><div><br>Dear Cristoph,<br><br></div>using pasystray daily (standard ) I realize an issue. <br><br>Mouse middle-click doesn't mute anymore. In fact no reaction at all.<br><br></div><div>Left and right button open the menu as used.</div><div>And I think I remember a configuration ability.<br></div>I know from our last conversation, that you don't use ubuntu, but maybe you know how to get this usefull feature back .<br></div>I can't tell you excactly when this has gone, but now I was trying and failed.<br><br></div>paysytray Version: 0.5.2-1ubuntu1<br>Kernel 4.4.0-24-lowlatency #43-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Wed Jun 8<br>This is PulseAudio 8.0 (with jackd2)<br></div><div>Ubuntu 16.10<br></div><div><br></div>Best regards<br>################################<br></div>The developers answer was:<br>............................................................<br>> Mouse middle-click doesn't mute anymore. In fact no reaction at all.<br>
<b>Yes, I think there is an issue with Ubuntu's StatusNotifierItem<br>
implementation. If that is indeed the case, it should be reported to</b><br>
> paysytray 0.52<br>
Did you install pasystray from the ubuntu repository? If so, check the<br>
exact version, e.g.:<br>
$ apt-cache show pasystray | grep Version<br>
Version: 0.4.0-1<br>
If you report bugs upstream (to pasystray directly), you should always<br>
verify that you can reproduce the problem against the latest master,<br>
by fetching the source and compile pasystray yourself.<br>
If the bug persists, run pasystray with --debug, reproduce the problem<br>
and attach the full output to a new github issue describing the<br>
I also added an experimental status icon implementation using a<br>
GtkWindow. It's not very useful in practice, but nice to rule out<br>
problems with Ubuntu's implementation. You can enable it by disabling<br>
all other systray implemetations:<br>
./configure --disable-appindicator --disable-statusicon<br> <br>..................................................................................<br><div><div class=""><div id=":101" class="" tabindex="0"><img class="" src="https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif"></div></div></div></div>