<br>Hi Folks,<br><br><br>I am customizing an "almost" full automated installation customized Ubuntu 10.4 version and <br>I need the summary screen with the next button "Install" enabled. In 9.04, I could do it relatively easy<br>
modifying squashfs' gtk_ui.py. But, I can't identify now with this version where I can hook it and<br>have this behaviour.<br><br><div id=":lj">Could you guys could help me on this ?<br><br>Thanks a lot,</div><br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Isamar Maia<br>Cel. VIVO SSA: (55) 71-9146-8575<br>Cel. TIM SSA: (55) 71-9185-5264<br>Fixo: (55) 71-4062-8688<br>日本: +81-(0)3-4550-1212<br>Skype ID: isamar.maia <br>